Ethical code
Ethical code

For SODIRA, the way we do our work is critical. For us, it is not just what we do that matters, but how we do it. We understand that the only way to generate value for our environment in a sustainable way is by acting with integrity and transparency.

Values instilled at Sodira
Our code of ethics and conduct is based on the following values which, among others, should always remain in our DNA:
- Independence in the way we work
- Ethical, transparent and socially committed action.
- Management based on strictly professional and technical criteria
- Deep respect for the environment

Behavioural policies
Our code of conduct sets the general pattern of behaviour, and is further developed in individual policies, the most relevant of which are as follows:
- Occupational Risk Prevention Policy
- Quality Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Competition Policy
Values and corporate ethics
SODIRA IBERIA, SL, makes the following principles, among others, part of its strategy, its culture and its daily actions:
- Independence from any person, entity, group or power of any kind.
- Acting in an ethical, transparent and socially committed manner, in recognition of the role and responsibility of private entities in the proper development and progress of Society, and guaranteeing respect for the legitimate rights of all natural or legal persons with whom it has dealings, and those of Society in general.
- Management based on strictly professional and technical criteria, avoiding conflicts of interest.
- Deep respect for the environment, and responsibility in the exploitation of natural resources, commitment to restoring and improving areas of exploitation and promoting the development of rural areas, generating wealth, employment, local development and reducing the rural divide. and responsibility in the exploitation of natural resources, commitment to restoring and improving areas of exploitation and promoting the development of rural areas, generating wealth, employment, local development and reducing the rural divide.
These corporate values are the benchmark that should inspire the conduct of all employees who make up the company. SODIRA IBERIA, SL, which must be based on mutual respect among all the people with whom they interact, commitment to their work and to the company, responsibility to perform their work to the best of their ability, solidarity and cooperation with colleagues, society and the environment, safety in their daily work, integrity and respect for the law; so that our working environment is an atmosphere of trust that allows personal and professional development, and is free of offence, risk, exploitation of any kind, intimidation, harassment and discrimination.
Ethical channel
SODIRA IBERIA, SL in its organisational and management model, and in accordance with Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report breaches of regulations and the fight against corruption, has set up an Ethics Channel, not only to have preventive effectiveness and enable the detection of acts or conduct that could be contrary to general or sectoral regulations, but also to demonstrate its commitment to promoting good faith in its labour relations, both with its employees and with its customers and suppliers.
Its sole purpose is to report to the Ethics Committee any detection of a criminal or administrative offence, as well as the existence of any procedural or organisational weakness that could lead to a criminal risk or criminal offence. Please read the protocol for use of the channel.
Complaints may be reported to the Ethics Committee by completing the following form: